NPI is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1980 (Tax ID #62-1247166). Your tax-deductible donation makes it possible for us to expand programming and provide scholarships through the James C. Massey Scholarship Fund for individuals, advocates, and professionals to attend NPI online, on-demand courses and webinars, and in-person seminars on the management, preservation, and stewardship of cultural heritage.
Donations from sponsors support NPI by making it possible to expand programming and provide scholarships. Sponsors may receive recognition through name or logo identification on weekly emails and on the website’s Sponsor page, and complimentary training. Sponsorship provides an opportunity to invest more directly in an organization that offers continuing education and professional training in historic preservation and cultural resource management. NPI offers several sponsorship packages, allowing Sponsors to choose which type of support best meets their philanthropic and/or marketing goals. We hope you will take the next step by committing to become a valued Sponsor.
Click here to review list of current sponsors and to read about NPI sponsorship opportunities and how to donate.
Individual Donations
Individuals can make a donation by credit/debit card, check, or directly from a checking account. We use a non-profit service to process our credit card transactions. "LOC IND CH ORG" is the name that may appear on your statement, rather than National Preservation Institute (NPI).
Click here to go to our online donation form.
NPI also can accept donations of stock and from IRA accounts in the form of a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), which may have tax advantages over cash donations. For more information on giving through securities or QCDs, contact Jere Gibber, Executive Director, 703.765.0100,, or click here.
Workplace Donations
Combined Federal Campaign
NPI is a participant in the annual Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) through its membership in America's Best Charities (ABC). The mission of the CFC is to support and to promote philanthropy through a program that is employee-focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all. The CFC is the only authorized solicitation of employees in the federal workplace on behalf of charitable organizations.
Read more about the CFC.
Click here to donate to NPI through the CFC.
United Way
NPI is able to participate in the United Way of America campaign through its membership in America's Best Charities (ABC). The United Way is a national organization dedicated to leading the United Way movement in making a measurable impact in every community across America. There are approximately 1,800 community-based United Way organizations and each is independent, separately incorporated, and governed by local volunteers.
Read more about the United Way.
America’s Best Charities (ABC)
NPI is a member of America’s Best Charities (ABC), an IRS-recognized, nonprofit association of national charities, with the lowest operating overhead of any federated group. More of your dollars go to benefit the charities for which they are designated, and less to administrative and overhead costs. All AMCEC members are screened annually to ensure that they meet the highest standards of substantive program services, management and fiscal responsibility. The ABC campaign is included in the Combined Federal Campaign; United Way campaigns; state employee campaigns; municipal, county, and university campaigns; and other independent corporate campaigns.
Read more about ABC.
Click here to donate to NPI through ABC.
“I was extremely satisfied with the information provided at NPI’s Historic Structures Report Seminar. … I especially appreciated the fact that the instructor was a working professional… Furthermore, I was also impressed by the caliber of attendees. The seminar drew a wide variety of professionals which facilitated discussion tremendously. I really appreciated the opportunity to participate in the seminar and I would definitely recommend it to preservation professionals.”
“I see the [NPI] seminars as an important way for preservation professionals to have opportunities to learn new information, keep abreast of everchanging laws affecting the preservation field, and to learn from other professionals through networking opportunities.
"Preservation is a field that is always underfunded…. having scholarship funds available for preservation professionals to attend the seminars is critical… the availability of the scholarships is often the difference between someone being able to attend the seminar or not.”
“As a full-time graduate student my budget is very tight and I would not have been able to attend the seminar without the scholarship award. The seminar was extremely helpful for me; I now have a much clearer understanding of what an HSR is and how to create one. I was also able to meet people working in preservation and gained valuable insights into current trends in the field.”
“I found it [the seminar] useful to understand the process and learn of the paperwork available for evaluating architecture in the U.S. … I found the seminar to be practical, interesting, and helpful, as we do surveys and evaluations in the private architectural firm of which I am employed. I would strongly recommend NPI’s seminars to other professionals in the field because they are not only theoretical, but also necessary for everyday use in preservation.”
“With the information I gained at the seminar, and under the guidance of an historic preservation consultant, I was able to complete a fairly straightforward project … to determine the effect of a proposed new building on a historic district.”
“While I was still at [the University], I recommended the [NPI] training seminars … to fellow students at every opportunity. I also encouraged the faculty to support students in their efforts to attend the seminars, by excusing absenses from class, assisting with efforts to find funding for travel, etc. Given the opportunity now, I would strongly encourage someone to attend the seminars.”
“As someone who works in historic preservation, but who does not have an M.A. in the subject, but a Ph.D. in archaeology, I rely on your seminar series as a guide to what I should know about. … I consider your series incredibly useful.”
“As a new professional in the cultural resource management field, the Introduction to Section 106 was more than helpful in my overall understanding of the Section 106 process…. The class really made me understand my place, and priorities in the 106 process.”
NPI is registered with the Commonwealth of Virginia as a charitable organization. A financial statement is available upon written request from the Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs, P.O. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218,
For more information on donations to NPI, please contact staff at 703.765.0100 or