
Online, In-Person, and Customized Training

All NPI training opportunities, including in-person seminars and online, on-demand courses and webinars are listed on this site, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

NPI online, on-demand courses and webinars complement our in-person seminar curriculum.  See below for a list of available modules. We will be adding new online training modules on a regular basis. We also are accepting proposals from potential instructors on new topics.

NPI offers customized training to meet specific organizational needs. Continuing education and professional trainings may be tailored to create online, on-demand courses and webinars, and single- or multiple-day seminars at a location and time convenient to the sponsor.

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List of In-Person Seminars and Webinars Scheduled for 2025

Archaeological Curation and Collections Management next offered in 2026—date/location TBA
Conflict Management and Negotiation Skills for Cultural and Natural Resource Managers Portland, OR (spring); Atlanta, GA (fall)
Conservation Strategies for Archaeologists next offered in 2026—date/location TBA
Cultural and Natural Resources: An Integrated Management Strategy Sacramento, CA (fall)
Cultural Landscapes: Understanding, Planning for, and Managing a Dynamic Resource Albuquerque, NM (spring); Fredericksburg, VA (fall)
• GIS for Cultural Resources: Roundtable Conversation webinars: March 13; June 26; September 11; December 11
Historic Property Management Mill Run, PA (spring date TBA); Charleston, SC (fall)
NAGPRA and ARPA: Applications and Requirements Anchorage, AK (fall)
• NAGPRA Essentials Austin, TX (spring); Columbus, OH (fall); Phoenix, AZ (fall)
NEPA Compliance and Cultural Resources Honolulu, HI (spring); Sacramento, CA (fall); Anchorage, AK (fall)
NEPA, Section 106, and Section 4(f) Coordination for Transportation Projects San Diego, CA (spring); Tallahassee, FL (fall)
The Recent Past: Strategies for Identification, Evaluation, and Protection Madison, WI (spring)
Risk Assessment and Resiliency Planning for Cultural Resources Reston, VA (fall)
Section 4(f) Compliance for Historic Properties Montpelier, VT (spring); Austin, TX (fall)
Section 106: An Introduction New York, NY (spring); Salt Lake City, UT; Des Moines, IA (fall); Indianapolis, IN (fall)
Section 106: Agreement Documents Atlanta, GA (spring); New York, NY (spring); Longmont, CO (fall)
Traditional Cultural Places Honolulu, HI (spring)
Tribal Cultural Monitors: An Introduction webinars: April 1; August 26; December 9


Online training modules


Cultural and Natural Resource Management

(60-minute on-demand, online course)

Emergency Preparedness and Response

(75-minute on-demand, online course - coming soon)

Historic Property Management and Design Considerations

(60-minute on-demand, online course)
(75-minute on-demand, online course)

Laws and Regulations

(75-minute on-demand, online course)
(75-minute on-demand, online course)

Native American Cultural Interests

(look for on-demand course in summer 2023)
(90-minute on-demand, online course)
(90-minute webinar, 2025 offerings: April 1, August 26, December 9)


(60-minute on-demand, online course)
(90-minute webinar, 2025 offerings: March 13, June 26, September 11, December 11)
(6-module on-demand, online course series)
(6-module on-demand, online course series)