
NPI offers continuing education and professional training for those involved in the management, preservation, and stewardship of cultural heritage. NPI serves a broad spectrum of individuals and groups from the government and private sectors by providing online, on-demand courses and webinars, and in-person seminars in historic preservation and cultural resource management.

Look for updates on training options on this site, on Facebook, LinkedIn, and in listserv notices. Check back with us often and sign up to receive email notices using the Contact Us (Email/Mail List) button if you are not already receiving them.

In-Person Seminars Scheduled for 2025
Coming in late fall—the 2025 Spring and Fall Calendar!

In-Person Seminars Scheduled for 2024 
(click here for a pdf of the 2024 Fall Calendar by Seminar and Month)
(click here for a pdf of the 2024 Spring and Fall Calendar by Seminar and Month)

Archaeological Curation and Collections Management Charleston, SC (spring)
Conflict Management and Negotiation Skills for Cultural and Natural Resource Managers Indianapolis, IN (spring); Austin, TX (fall)
Conservation Strategies for Archaeologists Charleston, SC (spring)
Cultural and Natural Resources: An Integrated Management Strategy Austin, TX (spring)
Cultural Landscapes: An Introduction Anchorage, AK (fall); Sacramento, CA (spring)
Cultural Landscapes: Advanced Tools for Managing Change Anchorage, AK (fall); Sacramento, CA (spring)
Historic Bridges: Management, Regulations, and Rehabilitation Madison, WI (spring)
Historic Property Management Montpelier, VT (fall)
• NAGPRA Essentials Kansas City, MO (fall); Albuquerque, NM (spring); Reno, NV (fall)
Native American Cultural Property Law Longmont, CO (fall)
NEPA Compliance and Cultural Resources San Francisco, CA (spring); Longmont, CO (fall)
NEPA, Section 106, and Section 4(f) Coordination for Transportation Projects Reston, VA (fall)
Risk Assessment and Resiliency Planning for Cultural Resources Honolulu, HI (fall)
Section 4(f) Compliance for Historic Properties Nashville, TN (fall); Seattle, WA (spring)
Section 106: An Introduction San Diego, CA (fall); Atlanta, GA (spring); Columbus, OH (fall); Fredericksburg, VA (spring)
• Section 106: A Review for Experienced Practitioners San Francisco, CA (spring)
Section 106: Agreement Documents Tallahassee, FL (fall); Austin, TX (spring)
Traditional Cultural Places San Diego, CA (fall)

NAGPRA On-Demand Videos, National NAGPRA Program and NPI
NAGPRA 101: The Basics Under the Law, Eric Hemenway on the basics of the law, who the law applies to, and why the law was created (95 minutes)
NAGPRA Consultation, Eric Hemenway on when consultation occurs, the legal mandates for consultation, and who the consulting parties are under NAGPRA (79 minutes)
NAGPRA Consultation in a Virtual Setting, Sarah O'Donnell, Jane Richardson, and Claire Wilbert explore ways that meaningful consultation can take place in virtual settings as part of compliance with Subpart C of NAGPRA (24 minutes)
NAGPRA Inventories, Eric Hemenway on what an inventory is and who must compile one, the legal definition of categories under an inventory, and why an inventory is necessary under NAGPRA (57 minutes)
NAGPRA Summaries, Eric Hemenway on what a summary is and who must compile one, the legal definition of categories under a summary, and why a summary is necessary under NAGPRA (58 minutes)
Aboriginal Land and NAGPRA, Jan Bernstein and Jane Richardson review available resources for identifying aboriginal land, demonstrate their uses, and review case studies (16 minutes)
Establishing a NAGPRA Data Management System for Museums, Jane Richardson and Claire Wilbert discuss how best to establish and maintain a robust data management system as part of NAGPRA compliance (25 minutes)In-Person Seminars Scheduled for 2025In-Person Seminars Scheduled for 2025

All Training Opportunities Listed by Category

*These trainings are not currently scheduled, bt are available as customized training or may be scheduled in the future.


Cultural and Natural Resource Management

(60-minute on-demand, online course)
(2 days / in-person seminar)

Curation, Conservation, and Stewardship

(2 days / in-person seminar)
(2 days / in-person seminar)

Emergency Preparedness and Response

(75-minute on-demand, online course - coming soon)

Historic Property Management and Design Considerations

(2 days / in-person seminar)
(60-minute on-demand, online course)
(75-minute on-demand, online course)

Identification, Planning, and Evaluation

(2 days / in-person seminar)

Laws and Regulations

(2 days / in-person seminar)
(2 days / in-person seminar)
(2 days / in-person seminar)
(75-minute on-demand, online course)
(75-minute on-demand, online course)
(2 days / in-person seminar)

Native American Cultural Interests

(look for on-demand course in summer 2023)
(2 days / in-person seminar)
(90-minute on-demand, online course)
(2 days / in-person seminar)
(90-minute webinar, 2024 offering: December 10)


(60-minute on-demand, online course)
(90-minute webinar, 2024 offerings: June 13, September 12, December 12)
(6-module on-demand, online course series)
(6-module on-demand, online course series)
*These trainings are not currently scheduled, but are available as customized training or may be scheduled in the future.

Customized Training

NPI offers customized training to meet specific organizational needs. Continuing education and professional trainings may be tailored to create online, on-demand courses and webinars, and single- or multiple-day seminars at a location and time convenient to the sponsor. NPI also can develop other preservation-related trainings. For a list of organizations that have worked with NPI to receive customized training and/or related conference services, visit the Customized Training page. Read more.

Who Should Attend

NPI trainings focus on topics of current concern to individuals and professionals involved in the management and stewardship of cultural and historic resources, charged with compliance and contracting, and/or involved in the cultural resource and environmental management process.

  • Advocates and community leaders
  • Archaeologists
  • Architects and landscape architects
  • Contractors, consultants, and project managers
  • Cultural and natural resource managers responsible for compliance requirements
  • Design, engineering, and public works professionals
  • Development, fundraising, and grant-writing professionals
  • Economic and tourism industry professionals
  • Facility managers of historic properties: structures, landscapes, and other resources
  • Federal, state, local government officials, staff, and SHPOs
  • Historians, architectural historians, and photographers
  • Historic district, landmark, and zoning commission members
  • Historic site administrators, museum curators, and collection managers
  • Housing specialists and developers
  • Land management organization members and staff
  • National, statewide, and local preservation organization members and staff
  • Native American tribal leaders, staff, and THPOs
  • Preservation, land use, and facility planners 
  • Public administrators, attorneys, and environmental specialists

Training Formats

In all training formats, participants have the opportunity to gain new knowledge, and often new skills, that are immediately applicable to their current concerns or those of their organizations or clients.

The in-person seminar format encourages discussion and allows time to focus on issues of particular interest to individuals in the group. Seminars vary in length, from one to three days, and, generally, are held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The online, on-demand course format provides 30- to 90-minute asynchronous learning modules that participants can take at any time. There is no interaction between participants and instructor.

The online webinar format provides 60- to 90-minute scheduled synchronous learning modules that provide interaction between participants and instructor through a question-and-answer session during and/or at the end of the training.


NPI's continuing education and professional trainings are taught by nationally recognized educators, consultants, and practitioners in historic preservation, archaeology, architecture and landscape architecture, conservation, engineering, historical research, laws and regulations, planning, restoration, technology, and cultural resource management. NPI reserves the right to substitute an instructor if necessary and will notify registered participants whenever possible. To learn more about an instructor, visit the Faculty page. Read more.

Continuing Education Credits

NPI does not participate in any continuing education programs offered by professional organizations. Self-reporting may be an option for members of organizations that require continuing education credits. 

Certificates of Attendance

Certificates of attendance indicating completion of training are available from NPI.

For online, on-demand courses and webinars: participants who complete a module may download a certificate at the end of the training. 

For in-person seminars: participants who attend the entire seminar may download a certificate at the end of the training. A certificate for a one-day seminar provides 6 training hours, a two-day seminar provides 12 training hours, and a three-day seminar provides 18 training hours.